Faculty of security engineering

Faculty of security engineering

Faculty of Security Engineering is part of University of Žilina more than 70 years. The issues of security have been researched since its establishment. The originally Military Faculty was in 1998 transformed into the Faculty of Special Engineering and in 2014 renamed to Faculty of Security Engineering (FSE) University of Zilina. The FSE is the faculty of managerial and technological orientation. Faculty prepares university educated professionals for security and crisis management and fire engineering. Faculty developing scientific research activities in the fields of research and development (security sciences), which are directly related to the study programs crisis management, emergency services and security management (with specialization for strengthen resilience of critical entities). Faculty has four specialized departments: laboratory of security management, laboratory of crisis management, fire-chemical laboratory and laboratory of security in transport. In the ongoing APVV project, the FSE has tasks focused on the social science aspects of enhancing the resilience of key infrastructure elements and the potential for assessing the resilience of infrastructure system elements based on advances in 3D modeling.